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winner of my blood is boiling contest 2023

Catch of the Day

Adriana Henrichs

FINAL blood is boiling.jpg

A fisherman filets his fresh catch 

of mahi-mahi for the tourists. 

They watch in awe as he separates their iridescent scales

from the meat

and flicks each head into a rusted scrap bucket.

The metallic scent of fresh blood 

mixed with July heat permeates the dock.


We walk

the dry rotted planks

with our pinkies interlocked.

It’s too damn hot to hold hands.

Or so you say.


The ocean is not beautiful.

It’s brackish and dull—

like your eyes.

I feel the sun burning new spots onto my skin

and the air is humid enough to swim in.

Another head of mahi-mahi goes into the bucket with a thud.


“We need to talk,” you say.




And I wonder if God would filet us for some onlookers too

if he had the chance.


Adriana Henrichs

ADRIANA HENRICHS (she/her) earned her BFA in creative writing at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. She has an affinity for fairy tales and the supernatural. When she's not writing, you can find her thinking about the moon, Greek mythology, or the ethical ramifications of the Descendants franchise. She has been published in Grimsy Literary MagazineAtlantis: a Creative Magazine, and Press Pause Press

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